Friday, December 15, 2006

Jake and Bathsheba

Sorry I took so long to git theez postid fur J & B. Seemz bloggur beta is bein vary purrsnikittee an peepul arr havin trubul signin in. If yoo do yoo kin emale yoor entree too thaeloblueATgmailDOTcom.

Here are J&B's mom's gorjus drawings


Lux said...

Those *are gorgeous drawings!

Anonymous said...

your mom did such a great job! our Lady stopped at the head - she didn't think she could handle trying to draw the whole me

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

These are such good drawings! Especially for someone who hasn't drawn in a long time, and who is trying to draw cats ('cause we're kinda difficult that way)

Hot(M)BC said...

Great drawings of yall, Jake and Bathsheba. And that's so sweet she put hearts all around you both. :) That's heart warmin too :)