Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Frum Boni Maroni and the Hot(m)BCs mom

She wantz to desqwalifi hurself frum the kontest becuz she is a professhunul artist but we want to post her beyootiful entree espeshullee becuz she is donayting a $50. gift sirtifikat for a peece of her handmayd joolree !!!

Frum Daisy, Jasper, Finnegan and Buddy's mom

A prittee qwilt skwair

Frum Jack's purrsun

detail 1
detail 2

Frum Skeezix ladee

We still cant undurstand whut the problim is wif sining into the kontest paj...oh well, my ladee is happee to post any entreez for enywon havin trubul.

Ofishullee the kontest is endid, but becuz of the log in problums if ennywon still has an entree pleez send it to us and we will inclood it. Dedline extendid til 12/20. Thankew to evrywon woo participaytid. And a BIG thankew to Robyn for the prize she is donayting!!! We will also inclood wun of my ladee's wintur deesine coffee mugs frum owr Zazzle shop.

The judjing is gunna be reel diffekult!

Monday, December 18, 2006

frum Cocoa's mom

Frum Luxor's Mom

We just dont noe why....

My ladee is frustaitid that evrywon seems to be having toubul synin in to post thair entrees. Badbloggrt Bad! But send what you'd like to post to me and I will make sure it gets smallerL
We now hafa vuree fine prize to offur! For the winner a gift certificate worth $50 for jewlery at The Mom of the Hot)m)BCs website: http://www.crystalsandjewelry.com/index.html Handmade Crystals and Gemestones

She maykis vuree pritee things.

Dedline for kontest submissions is MIDNIGHT tonite, Dec 18th.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Jake and Bathsheba

Sorry I took so long to git theez postid fur J & B. Seemz bloggur beta is bein vary purrsnikittee an peepul arr havin trubul signin in. If yoo do yoo kin emale yoor entree too thaeloblueATgmailDOTcom.

Here are J&B's mom's gorjus drawings

Thursday, December 7, 2006

From Junior's Meowmy

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Latte Fabrege

The Chip Man tells me I'm as delicate as a Fabrege Egg. I'm NOT that amused.